Wednesday, November 5, 2008

cabinet jobs to fill

and short lists of names to fill them from Politico:

Defense secretary: (short list: Chuck Hagel, Richard Danzig, John Hamre, Robert Gates)

Attorney general: (short list: Tim Kaine, Eric Holder, Deval Patrick, Janet Napolitano)

Secretary of State: (short list: Bill Richardson, John Kerry, Richard Lugar)

Deputy secretary of State: (short list: Gregory Craig)

Director of State Department policy planning: (short list: Samantha Power)

ambassador to the United Nations: (short list: Susan Rice, Caroline Kennedy)

Treasury secretary: (short list: Larry Summers, Robert Rubin, Sheila C. Bair, Timothy Geithner, Paul Volcker)

Deputy Treasury secretary: (short list: Jake Siewert)

Secretary of Health and Human Services: (short list: Tom Daschle, Howard Dean, John Kitzhaber)

Health care czar: (short list: Tom Daschle)

Global warming czar: (short list: Al Gore)

Education secretary: (short list: David Boren, Tom Kean, George Miller)

Environmental Protection Agency administrator: (short list: Lincoln Chafee, Kathleen McGinty)

Commerce secretary: (short list: Penny Pritzker, Kathleen Sebelius, Olympia Snowe)

Homeland Security secretary: (short list: Gary Hart, William Bratton, Tim Roemer, Jane Harman, Susan Collins)

CIA director: (short list: Tim Roemer, Jane Harman)

Director of National Intelligence: (short list: Jane Harman)

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: (short list: Valerie Jarrett, Jesse Jackson Jr.)

Secretary of Veterans Affairs: (short list: Max Cleland, Tammy Duckworth, James Peake)

Secretary of the Interior: (short list: Jay Inslee, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.)

Secretary of Energy: (short list: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jeff Bingaman)

Secretary of Transportation: (short list: Earl Blumenauer, Jim Oberstar)

Secretary of Labor: (short list: Richard Gephardt, Andrew Stern)

Secretary of Agriculture: (short list: Tom Vilsack, Collin Peterson)

Director, Office of National Drug Control Policy: (short list: William Bratton)

Director, Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships: (short list: Josh DuBois)

Supreme Court nominee: (short list: Robert Barnett, Cass Sunstein, Deval Patrick, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan)

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